Thursday, 23 August 2012

forgotten dream

After too many snooze alerts and repeated shouts from my mother, I finally had to wake up to a sulky morning. Mornings have been full of sullenness for quite some time now. These days I wake up to my surprise, or rather the shock of how possibly can the sun rise so soon after the sunset, well probably that is because I don’t want the sun to rise at all.
This morning was a little different because it woke me up with a dream that I was hoping I’d remember for the day, so I could share it with ekta over the phone, but somehow it just vanished. I tried pushing my mind too much, so I could remember even an iota of what I saw, but all the trials went in vain. What I knew about the dream was, that it wasn’t a good one, probably one of those dreams that rather make you feel bad about things, and since practically I wasn’t liking any bit of the day, it kind of proved itself, that it wasn’t a great dream after all. But I was definite that I’d call up Ekta today. I managed to hop out of the suffocating bus, full of people. At least I could see only people around and especially those who were sweating a little too much. I saw ladies shouting at the bus driver for absolutely no reason, small children whining away to glory, which I found meaningless and all this probably was coming only to my sight. The silver lining in the cloud was absolutely lost that day.

Managing to jump off the bus was a task in itself. Then I set my feet walking towards the workplace for the day, and all this while I came across a lot of stuff like a vagabond who was performing extraordinary hip hop on no music and his friends who were encouraging enough to tell him to try for a dance reality show, and while I was watching him dance away to glory, I wanted to throw away my bag and join him, even though I did not know how to move a nail on hip hop, but one thing that I knew was that the little boy had nobody to stop him or direct him to a different place where wouldn’t want to go. But I had too many masters who’d question this stupidity of mine and so I decided to get off this distraction and walk ceremoniously to my office. While I was walking up the fleet of stairs, I saw one of the senior persons shouting out loud on a meek little junior; at least he looked like one. I shamelessly tried to hear what had happened, and even though you could not hear the conversation very clearly, I got the hang of what it was all about. It was the funniest episode I came across in this office where someone was trying to dominate over the 2nd party only because the 2nd party, who I assume is a junior, had missed on a call by that apparent senior.

Though it was funny to hear the baseless conversation get wilder by the minute but it was somehow getting on my nerves. This was the limits of dominance and suddenly my bad experiences with my boss began to replay in my mind and like a movie flashback it brought back the anger in me. It almost provoked the suppressed and agitated junior in me and it was no less than tickling a sleeping lion. Just as I was about to enter the room where I usually worked, I could not resist myself from calling up ekta to vent out my frustration which actually was baseless, if I think of it now.

Ekta being one of the idlest people on this earth picked up my call in just 2 rings and I began blurting about how this world is ruthless and how people can be so mean to good people. Then I went on to describing my bad experiences and like an eccentric person I did not stop talking for at least the next 17 minutes and I suddenly realized that I was sounding like a frustrated divorcee who has no other aim in life but to speak ill about the partner, in my case the boss. Just while I stopped to ponder upon this, ekta spoke out very calmly and doubtfully, as if she was reassuring that I was done with my venting, and she said “this you’ve told me too many times, what happened today?” and I realized that I was acting like a moron. I soon called out in confidence “no man ekta, its heights, I am going to raise a voice against this kind of a rubbish treatment, I mean what, are we servants or what?” and just then I heard my boss call in anger, “Natasha, where have you been since morning, you are 3 and a half minutes late today.” Hurriedly I said “coming sir, sorry sir.” And i slammed the phone hoping ekta would have understood. Just while I was cutting down on her call, I could hear her laughter. The mean inevitable laughter that she comes up with, every time I call her to express my frustration, since she knows that the anger is for the moment, eventually I’ll manage to be alright by the end of the day.

I did finally manage to get over my irritation, but ill blame it on the dream that did not recur again. I kept trying though.